The binary operator involved, e.g. /
The left-hand side of the operator
The right-hand side of the operator
The error indicator (assigned true in case there's an error)
The result of the operation, which is the same as the built-in operator
1 bool overflow; 2 assert(opChecked!"+"(const short(1), short(1), overflow) == 2 && !overflow); 3 assert(opChecked!"+"(1, 1, overflow) == 2 && !overflow); 4 assert(opChecked!"+"(1, 1u, overflow) == 2 && !overflow); 5 assert(opChecked!"+"(-1, 1u, overflow) == 0 && !overflow); 6 assert(opChecked!"+"(1u, -1, overflow) == 0 && !overflow);
1 bool overflow; 2 assert(opChecked!"-"(1, 1, overflow) == 0 && !overflow); 3 assert(opChecked!"-"(1, 1u, overflow) == 0 && !overflow); 4 assert(opChecked!"-"(1u, -1, overflow) == 2 && !overflow); 5 assert(opChecked!"-"(-1, 1u, overflow) == 0 && overflow);
Defines binary operations with overflow checking for any two integral types. The result type obeys the language rules (even when they may be counterintuitive), and overflow is set if an overflow occurs (including inadvertent change of signedness, e.g. -1 is converted to uint). Conceptually the behavior is:
The implementation exploits properties of types and operations to minimize additional work.